The day has come and I am happy to say we are officially leaving BETA! Since the formation of this website as an idea, hundreds of hours have been spent designing, building, beautifying, and troubleshooting. Much like creating a masterpiece CAS it was a struggle but through perseverance and passion we are finally at a stage of confidence where we can say all primary issues have been addressed and core functionality has been designed in both English and Japanese!
I wanted to do a quick post to not only announce that we are leaving BETA, but more importantly to give a quick shout out to all of those who went above and beyond in helping me with the design of this website either in consultation, providing photo assets, or in troubleshooting. In no particular order of importance:
For Assets: Eve, Harmony of Sirius, Laughing Pig, Yumi.
For Consultation: Dante_SC6, Dekuduke, Harmony of Sirius, Laughing Pig.
For Troubleshooting: Danny_Dynasty, Nitric Zenith, Wintermutes Ghost.
Further to all those that encountered technical issues submitting via our form, thank you for your perseverance! Every failed submission gave us a bit more data to send to our technical team helping us get the technical issues fixed as quickly as possible. *shakes fist in the air at obscure reCaptcha issues*
Additionally to all those that continue sharing the site via social media and letting others know they should get a portfolio up here you are our shining stars in a universe of malfested darkness!
Next steps for us is to continue to grow, and you can help by sharing this site with creators you know! We already have over 50 portfolios from over 15 countries, that is huge and amazing.
Thanks for all your continued support and passion! SOULCALIBUR is more than just a fighting game, it is an artisans creative paradise, and we finally have a platform where we can represent our creative works in a worthy manner.